English Goldendoodles are often referred to as “The Teddy Bear” breed. Looking at their incredibly cute faces and thick, fluffy hair, it’s easy to see why!
Often shortened to English Goldendoodle, their full name is the English Cream Goldendoodle. These dogs are usually mid-sized and can range anywhere between 50 and 80 pounds depending on the size of the parents, diet, and gender. Although uncommon, the runts of the litter may only be 30 or 40 pounds when fully grown.
They’re generally considered to be family-friendly dogs, have high energy levels, a loveable personality, and even show some protective traits, making them a great all-around hybrid.
In this article, we’re going to take an in-depth look at the breed. We’ll examine the breed’s origins (and variations), some of its defining characteristics and temperament, and then go over some of the most commonly asked questions regarding English Goldendoodles and how to care for them.
Let’s take a look!
English Cream Goldendoodle: Origins
The first variation of the Goldendoodle was a hybrid cross between the Poodle and the Golden Retriever. This began in the mid-1990s as breeders wanted to create a breed that shared some of the breeds’ best characteristics.
They wanted to incorporate the loving, family-friendly orientation and loyalty of the Golden Retriever with the hypoallergenic aspects and fun, high energy levels of the Poodle. This resulted in Goldendoodles becoming one of the most popular, high-demand breeds for those looking for a family dog.
Today, this first-generation breed is often referred to as the F1 Goldendoodle.
Eventually, however, the breeders realized that they could get more money by substituting the common Golden Retriever for the English Cream Golden Retriever. Essentially, they’re the same dog. The only real difference is that the English Cream breed has a cream-colored coat that’s regarded as more attractive and thus more expensive.
To better understand the English Cream Goldendoodle, it helps to understand the parent breeds, so let’s take a quick look!
English Cream Golden Retriever
The English Cream Golden Retriever is a rare variation of the original Golden Retriever known for its light cream-colored coat. They’re often called “Rare White European Retrievers.”
Golden Retrievers were originally bred in Scotland and are descended from the original Russian Sheepdogs. They’re known for having incredible noses and are often used for hunting or working dogs.
These dogs are known for being incredibly loyal and smart, with an unflinching dedication to their owners and families. This has led to them being one of the most popular breeds used for service dogs. They’re very personable and don’t like to be left alone, making them excellent family dogs.
The Poodle is an ancient breed that was originally bred in Germany and Western Europe as a hunting dog. Like Retrievers, they share an excellent nose and are known for being strong, loyal dogs. They’re easily identifiable by their tightly-curled fur, which keeps them warm in the winter months and is water-resistant, so they love to swim. Their fur is also hypoallergenic and won’t cause allergies in the home. Poodles are a high-energy dog. Although they can often be stubborn, their intelligence easily rivals their Golden Retriever counterparts.

Breed Variations
Although it’s not as common, some English Goldendoodle variations are hybrids bred using an English Cream Golden Retriever and an Australian Labradoodle. The Australian Labradoodle is a small to mid-sized dog that is the result of breeding a Standard Labrador Retriever with a Standard Poodle.
Due to the added Retriever genes in this variation, these dogs tend to be a bit calmer, more emotional, and family-oriented. Their hair also tends to be a bit longer and doesn’t share the same waviness or curliness as normal English Goldendoodles.
English Goldendoodle Size
English Goldendoodles are typically considered a mid-size dog. They range anywhere between 50 and 80 pounds when full-grown. This is due to the fact that both of the parent breeds are on the larger side.
Of course, this can change significantly depending on the Poodle genetics’ used to breed a particular batch of puppies. Having been bred for centuries, Poodles now come in various sizes ranging from Miniature Poodles (weighing between 15 and 20 pounds) to the Standard Poodle (weighing between 60 and 80 pounds).
The size of the Poodle breed used is typically the difference between regular English Goldendoodles and Mini Goldendoodles, which are growing in popularity as a cute “toy dog.”
English Goldendoodle Energy Levels
If you’re going to commit to making an English Goldendoodle part of your family, then be ready to get active!
English Goldendoodles rank very high as far as energy levels go. This is mainly due to the fact that both Poodles and Golden Retrievers are very high-energy dogs that are commonly used as working dogs. So, you can expect the same out of the English Goldendoodle.
Poodles tend to be slightly less energetic than Golden Retrievers, but this can vary from dog to dog and is entirely dependent upon genetics. If you’re getting your English Goldendoodle as a puppy, it’s often hard to tell how active they’ll be once they reach adulthood, so go ahead and prepare for a highly active dog.
Both parent breeds are used to walking and running miles at a time, so you should expect to walk your English Goldendoodle for at least 1 or 2 miles a day. If you want them to build leg strength and develop good posture, then you should run them at least two or three times a week (although they prefer everyday running).
Fun And Games
Another thing to keep in mind is that your English Goldendoodle is going to be quite intelligent. This opens the door for lots of training opportunities. Whether you’re training them to perform new tricks or play in new ways, they will thoroughly enjoy any opportunity that you give them to perform new tasks!
Games like tug-of-war can be very rewarding, and they may also take well to agility courses that involve jumping through hoops, over hurdles, and other common obstacles. Their long, strong legs give them extra power and provide an explosive boost applied in the right direction.
Since Goldendoodles share many traits of Retrievers, they’ll be especially apt at “retrieving” objects. Anything that involves chasing balls, frisbees, or even sticks will be right up their alley, and one of the best commands you can teach them off the bat is FETCH!
If you’re so inclined, your English Goldendoodle can also be trained to be an excellent hunting companion. Their superior sense of smell, sharp ears and intelligence allows them to track down prey or burrows easily. They may also share an affinity for water, so they can be useful for bird retrieving or enjoying a fun day at the beach.

English Goldendoodle Coat
The English Cream Goldendoodle’s coat can vary significantly depending on the ratio of Retriever to Poodle in the breed. The more Poodle genetics your dog has, the more curly their hair will be. The more Golden Retriever genetics your dog has, the longer and wavier their hair will be.
If your Goldendoodle is a true 50:50 crossbreed, then you can expect their coat to be anywhere from 3 to 5-inches long when left unclipped. Their hair will typically be thick and wavy, curling at the tips.
Some owners choose to keep their dog’s hair clipped and trimmed in order to decrease matting and tangles, but they will also be perfectly fine with long hair. It’s ultimately up to you. Just keep in mind if you do opt to keep their long hair, you’ll need to spend a few minutes brushing them every day to prevent their hair from naturally locking into thick knots (which can become havens for fleas).
They won’t shed as much as Golden Retrievers, but you can still expect some minor seasonal shedding in the Springtime as they shed their Winter coats. Again, everyday brushing can limit how much they shed around your house, even if their hair is cut short.
English Goldendoodle Life Expectancy
English Goldendoodles are very healthy dogs. As long as they live a happy life full of exercise combined with a healthy diet, then they can easily live 12 to 15 years. Compared to other dogs the same size, this is a pretty high number!
English Goldendoodle Health Concerns
Both parent breeds are known for being very healthy, active dogs. By breeding the Poodle with the English Cream Golden Retriever, some of the more common breed-specific diseases were reduced. This is due to a phenomenon known as hybrid vigor. Combining two breeds together makes the resulting offspring typically stronger, smarter, and healthier than both parent breeds.
The main health concern you’ll need to watch out for as they get older is hip dysplasia. This is a common ailment in larger dogs who have long hind legs. Over time, their joints begin to wear down which can cause friction, pain, and even dislocation of the hind leg joints.
This can be averted in their early life by making sure they get plenty of Fish Oil high in Omega-3’s added into their diet. Once your dog is diagnosed, though, you can manage their pain with shots and medication.
English Goldendoodle Personality
English Goldendoodle’s have a very loving, loyal personality, which comes primarily from their Retriever roots. They love to be surrounded by people and get along well with other family dogs.
Sometimes used as service dogs, they’re very reward-driven. They’re constantly looking for opportunities to please their owners in return for treats and playtime rewards.
The only downside of their social nature is that they can be prone to separation anxiety when left alone for long periods of time. They should be able to handle you being gone for a workday but may become depressed if left alone for days with a sitter or in a kennel away from their family.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the most common questions that prospective owners have about English Goldendoodles.
Are English Goldendoodles Good Family Dogs?
By far, English Goldendoodles are one of the best family dogs you can introduce into your home! For one, they’re very loyal dogs, and they love children. They can often become inseparable from your kids, especially if they grow up with them through puppyhood. However, even adopted English Goldendoodle’s can quickly acclimate to their new family environment.
In addition to this, English Goldendoodles tend to be protective dogs. While they’re not directly aggressive, they have a strong nose for danger and how to avoid it. If they sense you or your family member is in danger, they’ll typically be the first person to realize it.
How Much Should I Feed My English Goldendoodle?
Expect to feed your full-grown English Goldendoodle around 2 to 3 cups per day, depending on their size. If they’re on the smaller side (50 to 55-pounds), 2 cups should do; if they’re on the larger side (65 to 70 pounds), 3 cups would be more appropriate.
How Should I Care For My English Goldendoodle?
English Goldendoodles are very social, family-oriented, and reward-driven dogs. They build very strong bonds with their family and the other dogs in the house. Once the bond has been built, they will never want to be far from your side.
They need constant love and attention, which they will reward with undying loyalty. They also tend to have high activity levels. Lack of attention or exercise can result in them becoming sad, depressed, or lethargic.
Are English Goldendoodle’s Smart Dogs?
English Goldendoodles are brilliant animals and can even be trained as service dogs. They quickly learn new habits, tricks, and patterns. The more you reward positive behavior and expand their repertoire of commands, hand signals, and reaction, the smarter they’ll become.
Like most puppies, they learn particularly well at a young age. However, they can also be taught well into adulthood, constantly evolving and improving with their owner’s positive reinforcement.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Retriever#:~:text=soft%20mouth%22%20grip-,The%20Golden%20Retriever%20was%20originally%20bred,in%20the%20mid%2D19th%20century.&text=The%20Golden%20Retriever%20was%20first%20developed%20near%20Glen%20Affric%20in,now%2Dextinct%20Russian%20tracker%20dog.
- https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/lifestyle/10-facts-about-poodles/
- https://www.dummies.com/pets/dogs/how-to-brush-your-dog/
- Photo by Chris Maldonado on Unsplash
- https://unsplash.com/photos/xXSiYNvkaO0
- Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash
- Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash