There are a whole array of foods that can be toxic or disagreeable to dogs. We understand why it’s worth checking whether you can feed apple skin to dogs.
It might be that you have a lot of apple skins, and you don’t want to waste them. And you could be wondering if they would give your canine friend any health benefits?
Plus, while we’re on the subject, it would also be good to know if dogs can eat apples as well – right? That’s why we’ll run through any benefits and downfalls, so you’re fully in the know.

But let’s first remind ourselves about apples…
Apple Benefits
Apples are super tasty, and not just for humans as some dogs love the taste of them. They’re also affordable, low in calories, rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber. Furthermore, they can have dental benefits too – which we’ll discuss later in more detail.
Furthermore, the apple skin is said to be concentrated with phytochemicals, which are antioxidants that are said to be cancer-fighting, among other things.
Remove the seeds, though!

The apple core shouldn’t be eaten. It’s a choking hazard, and it’s really too hard to eat. So you should always remove it if you are going to feed the full apple to your dog.
Even more worryingly, apple seeds contain amygdalin. This substance releases cyanide into the bloodstream. In small amounts, it’s harmless, but if large amounts of apple seeds are ingested, there’s definitely cause for concern.
If you think your dog has eaten a lot of apple seeds, keep a close eye on them and look out for these symptoms…
- Shock
- Heavy panting
- Difficulty breathing
- Dilated pupils
- Brick-red mucous membranes
Obviously, consult a vet if you come across any of these symptoms.
Are Apples Good For Dogs?
Yes, they are actually a great healthy little treat for your dog. Although, like almost every food, they can have too much of it.
The best approach is to feed it to them as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Apples offer your fluffy friend a good source of fiber and antioxidants. The fiber helps them with digestion, and the antioxidants, mainly in the skins, potentially provide those cancer-fighting benefits we talked about.
So the skins are fine, then?
Again, as long as you’re feeding your dog a healthy measure of apples, leaving the skins on should be fine. The skins can help maintain better dental hygiene, as they clean your dog’s teeth and keep their breath fresh.
Your dog could be suffering from bad breath, and it looks like they have lots of plaque on their teeth. If that’s the case, you could give them a few apple skins alone to chomp on. And, if they don’t take to eating them alone, you could mix them in with some of their preferred dry food.
What about applesauce?
After a large roast dinner with family or friends, there are usually some leftovers – and they might include applesauce. Plus, we all know what dogs are like when the aromas of roast meat fill the kitchen – they are waiting to be treated with the yummy human food!
Well, don’t worry, a little applesauce with roast pork should be perfectly fine for your dog. The sauce should contain a lot of the benefits you get with whole fresh apples and their skins.
But the only downside is it will be high in sugar and probably not so good for their teeth.
Other Apple Based Products
Other apple-based products include apple chips and apple juice. Both of these are high in sugar normally and so very little or none should be given to your dog if you want to keep their dental hygiene healthy.

What about apple cider vinegar?
Certainly don’t feed any of this to your pooch, and they won’t like it anyway – which can be useful.
If your dog has a problem where they keep licking certain areas on their body, apple cider offers you a nifty little hack. Just fill-up a spray bottle mostly with water, but add a fair bit of apple cider vinegar to give it a good tang.
Then, proceed to spray your dog’s problem area. Now your dog should definitely be put off licking that region – problem solved!
We think this natural substance is a much better idea than using chemicals for the job.
Apple Allergies in Dogs

Usually, dogs have allergies to foods high in protein. A good example of this is that many dogs are allergic to Tofu and other soy-based products. Since apples are very low in protein, it is unlikely that your canine will have any reactions to apples.
Yet, a very small few may be allergic, and so it’s always good to watch how they react to new foods introduced into their diets, such as apples.
Which Fruits & Vegetables Are Toxic For Dogs?
We’ve established that apples, and their skins, are fine in reasonable amounts for dogs – apart from the seeds. But there are some seriously harmful and disagreeable fruits and vegetables that you should avoid feeding your dog at all costs.
Raisins and Grapes
These can cause irreversible kidney damage and failure. It would depend, of course, on how much your dog has eaten and their size. Straight away, you should take them to the vet if they’ve consumed a fair amount of these.
Seeds, Pips and Stones
Fruits such as apples, cherries, peaches, and plums have seeds, pips, or stones that contain cyanide. If consumed in large amounts, you should be very worried about your pet.
Common dog reactions after eating avocados and their stones are sickness and diarrhea. They can also experience breathing problems – so best avoid them!
Wild Mushrooms
Ordinary mushrooms used for cooking in the home should be ok for dogs to eat. It’s the mushrooms you find out in the wild that you should be cautious of. Many of them are poisonous to your dog and humans too.
Nuts are just a no go for dogs. Many varieties can cause serious health issues to dogs. You should especially be wary of walnuts, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, and pistachios.
Onions and Garlic
Both of these are toxic to dogs. Watch out for food products such as Goldfish Crackers, which can contain onion and garlic powder. They are harmful because they can destroy your dog’s red blood cells.
If you are going to treat parts of a roast dinner to your canine friend, leave out the broccoli. It’s not good for dogs as it can irritate their stomachs.
Rhubarb causes damage to the digestive tract, kidneys, and nervous system in dogs. Tremors and seizures can occur as symptoms, so keep them clear of the rhubarb crumble.
Potato Plants
If you’re growing your own potatoes, be wary that the plants, not the vegetables themselves, contain solanine. This is a toxic substance that causes diarrhea, confusion, and vomiting.
Unripened Tomatoes
The tomatine that only really occurs in unripened tomatoes is the problem here. With ripe tomatoes, there should be much cause for worry. The substance called tomatine plays havoc with a dog’s digestive system. Plus, it can affect the kidneys and nervous system.
This is a spice that can cause tremors and even seizures if your dog eats enough of it. So be careful if you are going to feed your dog baked treats, as they may just have nutmeg as part of their ingredients.
Persimmon seeds
This isn’t such a common thing you’ll find in most homes, but it’s something to be wary of. The Persimmon is a tropical fruit that’s kind of like an orange. The seeds are the major issue for dogs in that if they eat them, diarrhea is on the cards.
Apple Alternatives For Dogs

So if you don’t want to feed your furry friend apples for one reason or another, are there alternatives?
If we want some of the same benefits like vitamins, minerals, and fiber that comes from apples, you could choose foods like…
Raw Carrot Sticks
They are packed full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and offer a crunchy little snack you can offer your dog from time to time.
This has a rich source of vitamins C and A, making it a great way for you to give your dog a boost in their diet. Just don’t overdo it!
Final Thoughts
So we’ll conclude that apples and their skins are fine for dogs in reasonable amounts. But the seeds should be avoided. And more sugary apple products aren’t going to be good for your dog’s teeth. It’s just common sense, really.
If you have been feeding your dog full apples, seeds and all, regularly – please stop! Although they are not eating the seeds all in one go, the buildup of cyanide could start to cause major problems.
As for other fruits and veggies, please refer to our short guide in this article. But also, we recommend you researching anything new that you are considering adding to your dog’s diet.
Thanks for reading through, and all the best!