A Doodle refers to any dog that has been bred, mixing the strong genetics of a Poodle and another dog. These crossbreeds first came about in the early-1990s and have been a huge hit. They’ve been used as service dogs throughout their history, guide dogs, and they’re also one of the most common household pets due to their friendly, amicable nature!
The Black Goldendoodle is a specific variation of the Goldendoodle, which is a hybrid created using a Golden Retriever and a Poodle.
If you’re wondering where the “black” part comes into the picture, you can thank the Poodle. As the slightly smaller dog, the Poodle is typically the father. If that particular Poodle has dark grey or black hair, then there is a high probability that the resulting Goldendoodle will be a Black Goldendoodle!
These dogs usually weigh between 30 and 45 pounds, but some can get up to as large as 60 pounds, depending upon the parents’ size. For as many small Retrievers and Poodles that exist, there are also some very large variations of the breed as well.
One of the top reasons people purchase Black Goldendoodles is because of their hypoallergenic fur. Although not all Doodles are 100% hypoallergenic, a large percentage of them are.
Goldendoodle’s generally have a charming, friendly, and playful demeanor, making them great family dogs. They also tend to have higher intelligence levels, making them easy to train, whether you’re teaching entertaining tricks or good behavior in public!
Today, we’re going to take an in-depth look at the Black Goldendoodle, the history of this unique breed, characteristics, and answer a few commonly asked questions as well!
The Black Goldendoodle: Origins
The first Retriever-Poodle hybrid was created in 1989 by an Australian breeder named Wally Conron. A blind woman who lived in Hawaii needed a seeing-eye dog to guide her during her walks.
At the time, Labradors and Golden Retrievers were the most common guide dogs. However, the problem was that her husband was highly allergic to the rapidly shedding fur of the Labs. So, the couple contacted Mr. Conron (a reputable dog trainer and breeder at the time) and asked what he could do for them.
His solution was to breed the Labrador Retriever with the Poodle. The two dogs were similar enough in size, and both shared relatively strong genetics, making them a good pair. Poodles are also hypoallergenic, making them an excellent choice for those with allergies.
The idea was that the resulting hybrid would have the intelligence levels to make a good guide dog but would not have the same allergy-causing fur problems. His first experiment produced three healthy puppies, and one of them had the perfect hypoallergenic fur he was searching for and became the first-ever Labradoodle guide dog!
Since then, the trend of breeding Retrievers and Poodles has exploded.
It wasn’t long before breeders started preferring Golden Retrievers over stand Labrador Retrievers. Their soft, wavy, golden fur made for the perfect combination, producing even softer hair in the resulting “Goldendoodles.”
Today, they’re one of the most popular hybrids in the world. Black Goldendoodles are actually a genetic oddity- they’re rarer than gold or brown-colored Goldendoodles. On the one hand, this makes them more desirable by those who prefer darker-colored dogs or like the idea of having a “rare” dog.
On the other hand, though, some breeders cannot sell them as quickly since they don’t have that classic gold shade that most buyers expect.
Color preferences aside, however, there is no other distinguishable difference between gold and black-colored Goldendoodles. It really just comes down to whatever color you prefer and how well you bond with the dog!
Let’s take a quick look at both of the parent breeds. We’ll be referencing many of the Goldendoodle’s inherited traits throughout the article, so it helps to have an understanding of where certain of these traits come from.
Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers have been around since the early-1900s and result from an extensive breeding process involving Labrador Retrievers, Spaniels, Bloodhounds, and Russian Trackers (unfortunately extinct now). Although some of the details are a bit murky, it’s hard to deny that the resulting Golden Retriever is now regarded as one of the most iconic dogs of all time.
As this breed has had well over a hundred years to strengthen its bloodline, they’re hardy dogs and have minimal health problems.
Golden Retrievers were originally trained as hunting and retrieving dogs (for bird hunting). They have incredible noses, razor-sharp sight, and fine-tuned hearing. This, combined with their innate intelligence, makes them one of the most intuitive dogs on the planet. Although they’re still used for hunting purposes, they’ve also become prevalent as law enforcement K9’s, support dogs, and guide dogs.
They have a fierce loyalty to their owners and form deep bonds- especially with young children. Their protective nature and calm temperament make them excellent family pets.
The Golden Retrievers’ most commonly-identifiable trait is its long golden fur and a long snout. They’re a mid-sized dog that typically ranges between 60 and 75 pounds.

Poodles share a similar origin story. The first recorded image of a Poodle dates back to the 1600s, meaning that they predate the invention of gunpowder and firearms! They are thought to be the result of breeding early hounds with the slightly more domesticated spaniels. The result was a hardy waterfowl dog that had thick water-resistant fur and could help hunters retrieve birds in the water.
Since they’ve been around for so long, they have very strong genes. This makes them an excellent choice for breeding hybrids.
Poodles have a moderately high level of intelligence and tend to be calm, obedient animals that make for a great family dog. As we mentioned earlier, they also have hypoallergenic fur and don’t shed, which is very important for some pet owners with allergies.

Black Goldendoodle Size
Black Goldendoodles typically weigh between 30 and 45-pounds when using a 60-pound Golden Retriever and a Standard Poodle weighing 45 to 50-pounds. However, there is a lot of variation when it comes to Goldendoodles.
It’s almost always dependent upon the size of the Poodle. By using a different type of Poodle, breeders can create smaller or larger Goldendoodles. For example, the popular Mini Goldendoodle typically weighs less than 25-pounds and is bred using Mini Poodle genetics.
In some cases, if both the Poodle and Golden Retriever are large 60-pound (or more) dogs, the resulting Goldendoodle can easily be 60 to 70-pounds.
When the Black Goldendoodles are puppies, it’s hard to tell exactly how large they’ll grow. Your best bet is to ask the breeder to see pictures of the parents (and paperwork, if possible). The DNA determining size is almost always directly passed down from the parents.
Black Goldendoodle Energy Levels
Goldendoodles tend to have moderate to high energy levels.
Golden Retrievers are known for having incredibly high energy levels and need a lot of exercise due to their history as a hunting dog and a working dog breed.
Poodles’ energy levels can differ from one dog to another, depending on how domesticated the parent dog was.
Larger Poodles with a history of being working or hunting dogs in their bloodline tend to have higher energy levels which they can pass to their offspring. On the other hand, Mini Poodles and Toy Poodles tend to be more domesticated and therefore have lower energy levels.
Due to the variance, it’s safe to assume that your Black Goldendoodle will have moderate energy levels. Smaller Goldendoodles can get most of their exercise out by running around the house, a few walks through the neighborhood, and the occasional dog park visit.
If you have a larger Goldendoodle, then you should try to walk them for at least a mile every day or let them run free in a large outdoor area for at least 30 minutes. Goldendoodles can sometimes get temperamental and depressed if they’re left cooped up in the house all day. The more you exercise them, the better, the happier and more obedient they’ll be.
Fun And Games
Both small and large Black Goldendoodles are very intelligent dogs. They get most of their heightened intelligence from their Golden Retriever lineage, and they take very easily to training, tricks, and any new games that you might have for them.
As both the Poodles and Golden Retrievers have a history of being bird-hunting retrieving dogs, Goldendoodles take quickly to any games that involve them “fetching” balls, sticks, and other objects. Also, keep in mind that swimming is in Goldendoodle’s blood! They love water, and if you expose them to it early, they can become strong swimmers with minimal effort. If you have a backyard pool, expect them to jump in and swim at a moment’s notice.
Black Goldendoodle Coat
Black Goldendoodles are known for their dark grey or black coats. This is what differentiates them from typical Goldendoodles (which are known for their golden-brown fur). The texture of their coat tends to be thick thanks to their Poodle genetics. However, their hair isn’t as tight and curly as Poodles. Instead, their coats take on the wavy, slightly curled appearance of their Retriever lineage.
Most Goldendoodles have medium-length hair that grows to around 4 or 5-inches at the most. Some owners keep their dog’s hair long, while others trim it. Your Black Goldendoodle will do well with either one. However, if you keep their hair long, just make sure that you take the time to brush it once a day to keep knots from forming!

Black Goldendoodle Life Expectancy
Black Goldendoodles have an average life expectancy of 12 years, which is typical for other mid-sized dogs. Some Goldendoodles may live up to 15 or 16 years, though, if they have healthier genes, diet, and a positive, loving home environment.
Black Goldendoodle Health Concerns
Black Goldendoodles are relatively healthy animals. The hybrid breed tends to be healthier than both of the parent breeds. However, larger Goldendoodles may be prone to conditions in their old age, including:
- Addison’s disease
- Hip dysplasia
- Cataracts/glaucoma
- Sebaceous adenitis (a skin condition)
As long as you keep up with regular veterinary visits, feed them well, and make sure they have plenty of exercise, they’ll live healthy lives during their youth, slowing down a little as they age.
Black Goldendoodle Personality
Black Goldendoodles tend to have great personalities, which is one of the reasons why they’re such a popular family dog! They develop strong bonds with their families and tend to be protective, taking a dominant lead in your household. As long as you balance this with training and positive reinforcement, you shouldn’t have to worry about aggression issues.
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding Black Goldendoodles.
Are Black Goldendoodles Good Family Dogs?
Black Goldendoodles are an excellent family dog, especially if they’re introduced to the family at a young age and have a chance to grow up with you and your children. They also have a tolerant temper, which makes them great around kids! This, combined with the protective nature we mentioned above, makes for a loving addition to your family.
Will My Black Goldendoodle’s Coat Get Lighter?
As your puppy ages, it’s common for their dark black coat to gradually fade to a dark grey. The older they get, the lighter their fur will become.
How Should I Care For My Black Goldendoodle?
Black Goldendoodles develop close bonds with their immediate family and don’t like to be separated for long periods. For this reason, they don’t do well in kennels. If you plan on going on vacation, you’re better off leaving them with a trusted friend where they can have regular interaction with people and/or other dogs.
Aside from this, just make sure that your Goldendoodle is getting plenty of exercise and that you take the time to brush their long fur to ensure that it doesn’t get tangled and dirty.
Are Black Goldendoodle’s Smart Dogs?
Black Goldendoodles tend to be intelligent animals. They learn new tricks quickly and can be easily housetrained as puppies. As long as you’re patient and frequently reward them, you may easily be able to train your Black Goldendoodle to follow a hundred commands or more!
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-09-23/labradoodle-guide-dogs-designer-regret/10717186
- https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/dog-breeds/behind-the-breed-golden-retriever-history/
- https://www.poodlehistory.org/